I'm Back Part 2 of 3
All right...where to begin where to begin, I guess talking about my frist few days/weeks here in the capital city and would be good. Well We all officially got to our new sites on Nov. 16 or 18th I really kind of forget, oh well. Either way, I was at my new families home for less than a week before thanksgiving rolled around...and let me tell you that was a site to behold (but I jump ahead). OK so a funny story then on to thanksgiving. Throughout my stay with my host family in Ialovene I felt that they really liked me and were sad to see me go. As I was packing up my room and getting ready to fill up the back of a car with my newly acquired folders (PC loves to give out paper and forms) I almost wanted to cry - thinking how I would miss the times I had here. Our drive to Chisinau was very somber, and quite. When I got to my new home my host mom inspected it thoroughly and gave it the seal of approval (only after a million questions to my new host bro.) After that...she looked at me and hit my on the shoulder and said “it was nice”. And walked out. Not a hug, a kiss, or even a good luck. She showed more joy when she had no idea who I was than after living with her for 9 weeks. Oh well, that’s Moldova for ya!
Now living in the Capital is a trip. The family is much cooler as we have nightly discussions and play the “what is this in Russian” game. This game often leads us to the computer where we type in random words into the dictionary and “poof” the English variant comes up on the screen. Quite fun, until it is 11:30 and you want to sleep and they want to tell you more about the spirits of the lake. Either way though, this is much better than being left alone or talked at…not talked to!
Our other favorite game to play is “why do you live in Chisinau, and the rest of the volunteers have no running water and outhouses”? This discussion proves to be more difficult as I think they really get mad about it and repeat it isnt fair. Eventually I just end up saying “it’s because I am amazing”. And they look at me oddly and drop it. However, I know it will be brought up again tomorrow!
Ok onto thanksgiving. I was pretty bummed leading up to thanksgiving knowing what a rocking time I have had the last few years in Chicago (if you were there you know)and would not be able to be there again this year. Thanksgiving was marked by our All-Vol conference which included lots of boring presentations by staff with volunteers sitting around hung over. I however decided to mark my thanksgiving by working in the kitchen to help prepare thetraditioanl thanksgiving day meal. Here in Moldova, PCV’s prepare and cook everything for a huge thanksgiving dinner the day of. In other words I felt right at home (almost back in Chicago minus the deep fryer)cooking for a large group on thanksgiving day all while drinking delicious wine and listening to great tunes. However, Chicago was a tabel of 14 or so…Moldova, 300! We cooked 15 huge turkeys, cut 40 Kg of Onions, 25 pumpkin pies, 25 pecan pies, 15 Kg garlic, 30 Kg Mac and Cheese. It was quite ridiculous when you think of it, but it went off without a hitch, no one died, and people raved. And now I have somehow found myself in charge of the whole thanskgiving shin-dig next year. Of course, I am once again in over my head, however, I have a great PCV right alongside of me named Annie! God bless her little soul, we will prevail yet. And if you happen to be in the neighborhood, I think I can finda seat at our table for you!
OK well that’s it for this round, however I promise some pictures and also a glimpse into my life and costs etc here in Moldova in the final part of my three part series. If you all want to hear about anything in particular pleaselet me know and if you want me to stop posting b/c it is too boring, I suggest that instead you just stop reading! Hope everyone out there is having a good run at life (finals, holiday, etc.) and know you are all in my thoughts constantly. Take care.
The Peace Corps Office In Chisinau, pretty sweet huh?

These little tid-bits are helping me get through finals. :) I thought of you as your Generalismo passed away. *muah*
Keep the updates coming. Pics are always welcome as well. Enjoy the running water. "I'll be showering out of a bucket..." my ass.
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