and so it begins...
As my summer begins to wind down I begin to gear up for the Peace Corps. A conversation I had today with another soon to be departing PCV put me very much to ease. To sum it went like this. "Amy, do you ever try to think about all the stuff that you should be thinking about and realize that such wondering is so hard to comprehend that you decide to just not think about it any more", "Yes, yes I do". That pretty much sums up my jumbled mind to a T these days. I know that I should be thinking and rethinking about everything, but every time I sit down to do so I cant get my mind around the idea that I am leaving for 2.5 years (give or take). Alas. I do know that I need to keep in touch with my friends, and thus a blog - voila. So, starting now I will be able to share my experiences and thoughts with you all, my loved ones and friends, and you with me. SO keep 'em coming and keep it real!
I leave for staging in 24 hours and I am still in that "I cannot think about anything" phase! Good luck!
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